This Is How We Do Things...
Approaches used are Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TFCBT), this model is recommended for a range of traumas including traumatic loss/grief, physical abuse, sexual abuse, tragic accidents, etc. Treatment includes youth between the age of 3 and 18 who have a memory of the trauma, substantiated the abuse, a diagnosis of (PTSD) Post-Traumatic Stress symptoms, behavioral concerns, and the child is in a current safe environment. The child will need a supportive person to be a part of the TFCBT process with them. This cannot be the offending person.
Eco-systemic Structural Family Therapy: Eco-systemic structural family therapy (ESFT) is a systemic, strength-based, and trauma-informed family therapy model that has evolved from structural family therapy. ESFT is an evidenced-based family therapy approach designed to intervene with families of children who are experiencing behavioral problems and are at the risk of out-of-home placement. ESFT addresses the interactional cycles of the family and promotes the individual coping skills of the child, improves the parent-child attachment, increases executive functioning of caregivers, and improves the support system for the family.